# Light control using computer vision

This was a small side project I used as an introduction to my PhD field of research. The idea was to use a SCADA system as an interface for control of the lights and develop an intelligent agent capable of properly controlling them using SCADA's interface. The result was an agent that connects to the SCADA and, using a webcam, determines whether the lights in the room should be amplified or lowered. User of the system could also affect the preferred illumination levels using hand gestures. This was the result:

To clarify, Bri is the measured brightness of the current frame, Pref is the preferred brightness of the current frame and Req is the approximated light increase/decrease percentage.

# How it works

# Lights

In my apartment I use Phillips Hue light bulbs. The light bulbs connect to a device called the Hue bridge. The bridge offers a REST interface that various applications can use to control the light bulbs - turn them on/off, dim them or even change colors (depending on what the lightbulb supports).


For the SCADA system I used an early prototype of Končar's new SCADA system. I can't really go into details of the implementation here as the software is commercial and I'm contracted under an NDA. What I can say is that I used it to connect to the Hue bridge service (with some tweaks) and it provided an interface that the intelligent agent used to increase or decrease the lights.

# Intelligent agent

The workflow of the intelligent agent was such that every second it would connect to the webcam, get the current picture and decide whether it should increase or decrease the lights (or keep them at the same level). This workflow was implemented through a feedback loop, where the agent in every iteration had its previous state and the current image, result of the iteration would be delta indicating the change in lightning level and the update of the agent's state. The state contained a series of previous images and a variable that represents the currently preferred brightness. The analysis of the current image and calculated result can be split into three categories: brightness calculation, face detection, gesture recognition and fuzzy inference.

# Brightness calculation

This one started out simple, but I managed to complicate it in order to get better results. Initially, I would simply just take every pixel of the current image in greyscale, average the values over the picture and use this as the current brightness. This proved to be a bit problematic because if someone got into the picture that was, for instance, wearing a black shirt, the agent would think that the room got darker. In order to counter this, I've made the agent store the images it gets into its state (and delete old ones after some time). Images from the previous iterations would give me insight to temporal changes in the picture - enabling it do detect which pixels change brightness rapidly. The pixels that change brightness rapidly are more probable to be moving objects, making them less relevant in the brightness calculation, giving advantage to pixels that represent, for instance, walls. Brightness is then calculated as a weighted average where weights are these relevancies. This approach is still not perfect, but it works better than the basic one.

The following video demonstrates how this calculation works in practice, the white pixels are more relevant then the grey or black ones:

# Face detection

One of the conclusions the agent can draw from the image is whether any people are in the scene. If there are people, it should increase the preferred brightness. For this, openCV's Haar cascading features model (opens new window) was used. This model proved to work well out of the box, so no further alterations were required to solve this problem.

# Gesture recognition

This is where things got interesting. I wanted to be able to be set preferred brightness using hand gestures, open fist meaning "increase light", closed fist meaning "reduce light". I started looking up tutorials how to detect human skin and separate hands from backgrounds in the picture. I learned about different image filtration methods and creating contours and convex hulls.

I was a bit inpatient and wanted results fast, so I ditched this approach early, and decided to use a CNN. I bypassed the changing backgrounds problem by fixing an image area and only performing gesture recognition there (red rectangle in the first video). Since the leftmost pixel columns and upper rows were rarely going to be used (hand doesn't go there often), I used these pixels to define what color is the background, turning my refrigerator into an improvised greenscreen. This made the hand detection much more efficient (unless a refrigerator-colored alien was using the system). After that, a CNN was trained on different images of my opened or closed fist, which gave satisfying gesture detections.

This was used to update the currently preferred brightness - open fist increases it, closed decreases. This can be seen on the first video written under the "Pref" field.

# Fuzzy inference

With the last three calculations the agent has everything it needs in order to decide how current lightning level should change. What it needs is the implementation that takes these values and calculates the delta. I used fuzzy logic here with two simple rules:

  • If the room is too dark, increase light
  • If the room is too light, decrease light

Whether the room is too dark or too light is decided using the preferred brightness. I modeled these variables as a sigmoid whose offset is determined by the preferred brightness. Increase and decrease light are modeled as sigmoids as well. The following figures demonstrate values of these variables (if current preferred brightness is 20):

Dark and light sets

For implications in the individual rules, I simply used the minimum function and for rule result accumulation I used maximum. So if the camera measured that the room was too dark, that would manifest with the following rule "firings":

Fired rules

In the end, I used center of area to determine a concrete, single value as an output, which in above example would accumulate to 0.35, indicating an increase in lightning by approximately 35%.

# Conclusion

This was a useful project mostly because it taught me new things about AI integration in SCADA systems, gesture recognition and tools from openCV in general (this was my first practical use of it). It was also a nice revision of CNNs in Tensorflow and implementations of fuzzy inference systems. It served as a nice, fun introduction to my field of research for my PhD.

Practically, however, I don't see too much application for this system, mostly because it requires a camera in order to control lighting. This itself is a somewhat flawed approach because a number of things could go wrong:

  • If a person is not right in the scene, the camera won't detect it and increase the light, the room isn't completely covered.
  • The camera needs to see a face in order to increase the light, which means it needs to be able to find a face in the dark first - which puts us in a chicken-or-the-egg kind of scenario.

The camera approach is definitely not perfect, but it could make sense to use it combined with some other methods, i.e. vocal control or a GUI over which the preferred brightness can be changed.

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